Nothing Wrong With My Teeth!

by Lauren S.
(Long Beach, CA)

Well my mom has always said that she has felt the presence of an African American family in our very old home. This story makes me laugh every time that she tells it to me.

I hope you enjoy it.

My mom was finishing up at the dentist while at our house, nobody was there. My mom's friend, Deborah, had just assumed that my mom was already home from the dentist, but as I said, nobody was home.

So Deborah called the home phone, and somebody answered. Deborah said, "Oh hey. How are your teeth?". And in an African American woman's voice said, "There ain't nothing wrong with my teeth!" and then hung up.

Deborah was shocked and called my mom's phone. My mom answered and Deborah told my mom what had just happened.

Now almost every time my mom and Deborah hang out they always say, "There ain't nothing wrong with my teeth!"

Thank you!

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Sep 29, 2011
thats weird
by: Anonymous

thats cool but a little weird

Aug 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

Wow! This story really did make me laugh. It kinda scared me though. Anyways I liked it, thanks for sharing :D.

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