Halloween Costumes
Adult Couples

Halloween costumes adult couples are the some of the most funniest costumes around. Check them out - they are absolutely great! You would be the best laugh at any party!

Spa-lloween Adult
Spa-lloween Adult

A spa-tacular costume!... more

Plug & Socket Adult
Plug & Socket Adult

A great couples costume set! Includes both costumes!... more

Cheerleader (Guy) Adult
Cheerleader (Guy) Adult

Get a touch of school spirit.... more

Tacky Traveler Adult
Tacky Traveler Adult

This wacky duo is so tacky you wont believe your eyes!... more

Cry Baby Adult
Cry Baby Adult

Dont be such a Cry Baby!... more

Twosomes - Matadorable Adult
Twosomes-Matadorable Adult

Pair with Toro the Terri-Bull for a fun & festive couples costume.... more

Hoop Clown Adult
Hoop Clown Adult

A wacky clown costume, sure to get plenty of laughs!... more

Twosomes - Safari So Goodie Adult
Twosomes-Safari So Goodie Adult

Per-r-r-fect for those fun lovin couples!... more

Adam & Eve Adult
Adam & Eve Adult

The perfect couples costume - includes both His and Hers jumpsuits!... more

Twosomes - El Toro The Terry Bull Adult
Twosomes-El Toro The Terri Bull Adult

No bull, this is a great couples costume!... more

Bacon and Eggs Adult
Bacon and Eggs Adult

Whats for breakfast?... more

Coney Island Swimmer Adult
Coney Island Swimmer Adult

A blast from the past!... more

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