Chocolate Spiders Recipe

Halloween Recipes

I really love this Chocolate Spiders recipe. It has the crunch, salty, and the ever so loving... chocolate! There's something about this combination that's really good. get to make "spiders!"

I came across this Spiders cookie from the web many, many years ago. The site the I originally got it from is not on the internet anymore but I do see this recipe listed on quite a few other sites.



Be prepared for this one. Everything happens pretty fast or the chocolate will harden before you are done.

  1. Set out either a sheet of waxed paper or cooking parchment paper on the table.

  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine noodles and peanuts.

  3. Melt chocolate according to the instructions on the package.

  4. Add melted chocolate to the noodles and peanuts. Stir until everything is coated in chocolate.

  5. Scoop out a tablespoonful of mixture and drop onto the waxed/cooking paper. You don't have to measure or be exact. Just scoop out with one large spoon and use another spoon to push it onto the paper.

  6. Let those gorgeous spiders harden (they should harden very quickly).

  7. Remove from paper and put into a bowl or arrange on a plate. Cover tightly until ready to serve.

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