Helpful Halloween Hints
Issue #012 -- 3 Costume Aging Tricks - Method #3!
Hello Haunter!
Are we still thinking about your costumes? Are you pulling your hair out in anticipation? Well... just keep on doing that. You'll look great for your costume.
Did you bury em? Did you
hang em? You know you have to tell me all about it when it's finished. Mine are still out there. Wasting away..., being eaten by all the bugs, ants, moths, moles....yes we have moles! Try to get rid of those buggars...not easy.
Aging Method #3
Scratch Em
The third method of aging clothes for Halloween is "Scratch em". Ok, you ask - what in the world am I talking about? Well, just tear them up!
Cut the living daylights out of them. Put the shirt or jacket on a hanger. Hook it up high enough where you aren't bending over to get at it. You'll only kill your back. On the other hand, that could add the to the hunchback look too. Hmmm...
My favorite way is to use a suede brush. That brush has nasty little metal bristles. (Have your ever poked yourself under the nail with that thing? Well...what can I say, I'm a clutz!) Anyway - it's still my favorite.
I have a bunch of ways that you can scratch em, snag em, cut em,
listed on my site here. Browse around. See what ideas you can come up with too.
Let me know of your progress, which method you choose and how it turned out. Even if you're not dressing up in something gross, old, ragged, whatever, you should still try this idea and dress up some of the bodies that you'll have laying around the yard or house.
I am doing a test on all three methods to see which of the methods come out the best. We'll see - got another month before I un-bury the one. It'll be fun!
Go here to read more and see what I'm doing with scratch em.
In the Pot Brewing
How to put in special effects contacts for the first time user (and not replace your whole eye while doing it...a glass eye could be pretty cool, though...hmmm.)
Until next time - pleasant screams!
Your Halloween fanatic,

Sandy Love
P.S. If there is something you want to see, hear about, make to eat, or know how to do,
let me know - I am dying to hear from you!
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