Helpful Halloween Hints
Issue #001 -- Premier Issue
August 26, 2006
Hello Halloween Haunters!
Welcome to the Premier Issue of Helpful Halloween Hints Newsletter!
Table of Contents
What's New
- Food
- Music
- Pictures of Haunt 2005 guests
- Epitaphs
It’s getting closer and closer to Halloween. You can feel it in the air, nights are getting a bit cooler (even with all of the heat waves that have been going on out there), school is starting, football is showing on television again.
Yes indeed, Halloween is near! Too near as we are not EVEN anywhere close to being ready for this year. But isn’t that the way it is every year? Halloween is one of those holidays, that we are never ready even when the whole neighborhood thinks you are.
What's New!
Food is great, isn’t it? You can make "yucky" looking recipes such asThe Cat Litter Cake and still be able to eat it (and not get sick)!
If you haven’t been to the site recently, we have added several great frightening lovely recipes. These recipes have been made at our previous haunts. All the recipes are very easy to make too. You should try them out at your next haunt. Very highly recommended according to our victims, er… guests at our haunts.
Music and sounds will always add the extra “feeling” whether eerie or spooky or whimsical. Everyone seems to be looking for Halloween sounds and music nowadays. Especially this time of year. Well, look nev'r more, we have added some free Halloween music and sounds for your downloading pleasure.
You can download the songs and sounds to play on your computer. You can copy them onto a CD and play them on your portable player for outside sounds and put on constant loop so that they will play over and over. Or you can play it in your stereo for your inside haunt.
If you run out portable players, computers, etc. to play your sounds, you could hook up speakers, where the earphone jack is on the iPod, and use that as your portable player. Just make sure that the player is out of sight so that it can’t be easily taken. (Those little guys are too expensive to have mysteriously disappear.)
There will be more songs and sounds added as time goes on. We will definitely be letting you know.
We have some pictures of our victims of 2005, er….party guests that attended. All the costumes were wonderful and the party was a great success, as always (if I do say so myself).
Always take plenty of pictures of your yard haunt and parties. There's some yard haunts that I thought about taking pictures way too late and "missed the moment." My loss. Don't let it be yours. Whether it's by video or camera, pictures are great to have and to remember by.
There some great epitaphs to put on your tombstones in your yard haunt. There are some easy cheap ways to build tombstones for you too if you need it.
Well, that's all for now! As we ramp up the content we'll continue to keep you informed, as well as give you the some wonderful Halloween hints as time is nearing.
Suggestions, comments, or any “how to make it’s” that you would like to share, are greatly welcome. We would love to publish them. Please submit them using our contact page or reply to this newsletter.
We are dying to hear from you!
Happy Haunting!
Your Halloween fanatic,

Sandy Love
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